One thought on “July 22, 1973

  1. Blair Helsing

    I’m not certain of the day but it was likely one of the weeknights during this run at The Whisky for Weather Report. At the time I was the rock music writer for the Santa Ana Register. Columbia Records sent blue postcards — announcing the Sweetnighter album and this Whisky run — to music writers in SoCal. I had no idea what to expect but I knew The Whisky from seeing the Climax Blues Band there a few weeks earlier and I decided to go.
    By the end of “Boogie Woogie Waltz” I was completely convinced that I needed to hear more jazz because it held a great deal to show me. Up to that point my main exposure to the music was when Vince Guaraldi’s “Cast Your Fate To The Wind” was on pop radio (I also love this tune).
    Between that night at The Whisky, and the Pat Metheny Group white album five years later, my musical life was forever changed for the better.


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